Shipping Costs
The Shipping Costs report gives an overview of your organisation's shipping costs by carrier and destination.
It comprises a shipping data table, a Shipping Costs Over Time by Carrier line chart, a Shipping Costs Over Time line chart, and an Average Shipping Costs by Destination table.

All costs are presented in GBP. If GBP is not your organisation's base currency, then the app automatically converts to GBP using the current exchange rate.
Report Filters
The Shipping Costs report offers the following report-wide filters:
- Date Shipped - enables you to select consignments that were shipped within a given date range.
- Company - where applicable, enables you to select consignments that were shipped by a particular company within your group. You can select multiple companies if required.
- Shipping Location - where applicable, enables you to select consignments that were shipped from a particular shipping location.
- Carrier - enables you to select consignments that were shipped via a particular carrier.
- Carrier Service - enables you to select consignments that were shipped via a particular carrier service.
- Delivery Type - enables you to select consignments that were shipped as a particular delivery type (i.e. Delivery or Click and Collect).

Shipping Costs Table
The Shipping Costs table shows the following:
- Total Shipping Costs
- Average Shipping Cost per Consignment
- Total Value of Sales
- Shipping Costs as % of Sales

More Options
The following options are available from the More Options menu:
Shipping Cost Over Time by Carrier
The Shipping Cost Over Time by Carrier chart shows how your daily shipping costs with each carrier have changed over time. Each line on the graph represents one of your carriers.

Hover your mouse over a particular point on the chart to view that carrier's shipping costs for that particular day.

Visual Filters
You can filter the data displayed on the Shipping Cost Over Time by Carrier table using the following filters:
- Carrier Name (Basic and Advanced) - enables you to select a carrier or carriers whose services you want to view.
- Date Shipped (Basic, Advanced, and Relative Date) - enables you to select specific shipped dates or date ranges to view.
- Parcel Charges (Numerical) - enables you to filter by per-carrier per-day spend. For example, if you were to filter on is greater than 10000, then any data points in which you had spent £9999 or less with a particular carrier on a particular day would be ignored. In this example, the y-axis of the graph is effectively skewed so that it starts at 10000 rather than 0.
More Options
The following options are available from the More Options menu:
Viewing Data

The Shipping Cost Over Time by Carrier chart's Show Data option shows how much money you spent with each of your carriers for each day in your dataset.
Shipping Cost Over Time
The Shipping Cost Over Time chart shows how your total daily shipping costs have changed over time.

Hover your mouse over a particular point on the chart to view your total shipping costs for that particular day.

Visual Filters
You can filter the dates displayed on the Shipping Cost Over Time by Carrier table using the following filters:
- Date Shipped (Basic, Advanced, and Relative Date) - enables you to select specific shipped dates or date ranges to view.
- Parcel Charges (Numerical) - enables you to filter by total daily parcel charge. For example, if you were to filter on is greater than 5000, then only dates on which your total parcel charges were greater than £5000 would be displayed.
More Options
The following options are available from the More Options menu:
Viewing Data

The Shipping Cost Over Time chart's Show Data option shows you total shipping costs for each day in your dataset.
Average Shipping Cost by Destination
The Average Shipping Cost by Destination table shows your average shipping costs broken down by destination country, carrier and company.

By default, the chart shows each carrier's average shipping cost to each destination country.

To split this information out by which of your companies issued the consignment, click the +
button next to the country name or click Expand all down one level in the hierarchy to expand all countries.

To view average shipping costs by company rather than destination country, click Go to the next level in the hierarchy.

To return to the average shipping cost by destination country view, click Drill Up.

Visual Filters
You can filter the destination countries and carriers displayed on the Average Shipping Cost by Destination table using the following filters:
- Average Shipping Cost (Numerical) - enables you to filter carriers and countries by average shipping cost. For example, if you were to filter on is greater than 5, then only those records showing an average shipping cost of over £5 for that carrier would be displayed.
- Carrier (Basic and Advanced) - enables you to select a carrier or carriers to view.
- Company (Basic and Advanced) - where applicable, enables you to select one or more of your companies to view shipments for.
- Destination Country (Basic and Advanced) - enables you to select one or more destination countries to view.
More Options
The following options are available from the More Options menu:
- Open Comments
- Export Data
- Show Data
- Spotlight
- Sort Descending
- Sort Ascending
- Sort by Destination Country / Average Shipping Cost