Error codes
This page lists the errors that Track's APIs can return and suggests potential fixes. For an explanation of the structure of the error response itself, see the REACT Error Structure section.
400 - Validation Error
- Parent Error Code -
- Parent Error Message - "One or more validation error(s) occurred."
Child Errors
Error Code | Message | How to Resolve |
property_invalid_empty | "{PropertyName} must not be empty." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request in which a mandatory property has been left empty. Enter a value for the relevant property. |
property_invalid_null | "{PropertyName} must not be null." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request in which a mandatory property has been set to null. Enter a value for the relevant property. |
parameter_missing | "At least one value for Tracking Reference or Custom Reference should be provided." | Returned by Get Shipments. Used when Track receives a request in which neither tracking_references or custom_references have been provided. Enter a value for tracking_references , custom_references , or both. |
parameter_missing | “Please provide both date range parameters or none of them.” | Returned by Get Shipment Events. Used when Track receives a request that has a start date but no end date, or vice versa. Date searches cannot be open-ended. Either enter a value for both start and end , or remove both parameters. |
parameter_missing | "At least one search parameter should be provided." | Returned by all GET endpoints. Used when Track receives a request that does not have any search parameters. Enter at least one parameter and re-send the request. |
parameter_missing | "The shipment_id must be provided." | Returned by the Get Tracking Events by Shipment ID endpoint. Used when Track receives a Get Tracking Events by Shipment ID request that does not have a shipment id path parameter. Re-send the request in the format GET , where id is the Track ID of the shipment you want to search for. |
invalid_date_range | "The difference between start and end dates should not exceed 14 days." | Returned by Get Shipment Events. Used when Track receives a request with start and end dates that are more than 14 days apart. Enter start and end dates that are within 14 days of each other. |
invalid_format | "Format of the data provided is invalid." | Returned by Register Shipments, Update Shipments and Get Shipment Events. Used when Track receives a request in which the data entered into a particular property is of the wrong type (for example, a string entered into an INT property). Enter data in the format that the property accepts. For a list of the data formats accepted by each property, see the API Reference. |
invalid_date_format | "“Format of the date provided is invalid. Must be in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm1 ” |
Ensure that all dates are entered in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm and re-send the request. |
too_short_value | "The length of {PropertyName} must be at least {MinLength} characters. You entered {TotalLength} characters." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request in which a particular property is shorter than the minimum length for that property. Enter a string that is longer than the minimum length for the property. |
too_long_value | "The length of {PropertyName} must be {MaxLength} characters or fewer. You entered {TotalLength} characters." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request in which a particular property is longer than the maximum length for that property. Enter a string that is shorter than the maximum length for the property. |
too_small_value | "The value of '{PropertyName}' must be at least {ComparisonValue}. You entered {PropertyValue}." | Used when Track receives a request in which a particular property is shorter than the minimum length for that property. Enter a string that is longer than or equal to the minimum length for the property. |
too_big_value | "The value of '{PropertyName}' must be {ComparisonValue} or less. You entered {PropertyValue}." | Used when Track receives a request in which a particular property is longer than the maximum length for that property. Enter a string that is shorter than or equal to the maximum length for the property. |
invalid_length | "{PropertyName} must be {ExactLength} characters in length. You entered {TotalLength} characters." | Used when Track receives a request in which the data entered into a particular property does not match the exact length required for that property. Enter a string of the required length. |
duplicate_address_type | "Only one shipment address of each type is allowed." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request that contains two addresses of the same address_type . Ensure that each address in the request has a unique address_type . |
duplicate_metadata_key | "Each metadata key provided should be unique within a shipment." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request containing two metadata items with the same key . Ensure that each metadata item in the request has a unique key . |
incorrect_number_of_elements | "{PropertyName} must contain {ElementsExactCount} items. The list contains {TotalElements} element(s)." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request in which a particular array does not contain the required number of elements. Enter the required number of elements. |
incorrect_range_of_elements | "{PropertyName} must contain more than {MinElements} and less than {MaxElements} items. The list contains {TotalElements} element(s)." | Returned by Register Shipments and Update Shipment. Used when Track receives a request in which the number of elements in a particular array is not within the acceptable range for that property. Enter a number of elements that is within the required range. |
incorrect_id_format | Message varies per resource | Returned by all endpoints. Used when Track receives a request for a resource ID that is not in the correct format (for example, a Shipment resource that does not begin with the prefix "sp_"). Enter a valid resource ID. |
401 - Unauthorized
- Parent Error Code -
- Parent Error Message - “Provided credentials are invalid.”
Child Errors
Error Code | Message | How to Resolve |
api_key_invalid | “Access denied due to missing subscription key. Make sure to include subscription key when making requests to an API.” | Returned by all endpoints. Used when Track receives a request that does not have a valid API key in the header. Ensure that your request includes an x-api-key header with a valid Track API key as its value. |
404 - Not Found
- Parent Error Code -
- Parent Error Message - “No {ResourceName} with the id {ResourceId} could be found.”
Child Errors
Error | Message | How to Resolve |
resource_missing | “No {ResourceName} with the id {ResourceId} could be found” OR “No data found based on the parameters provided.” | Returned by all endpoints except Register Shipments. Used when Track receives a request for a resource that could not be found. |
500 - Internal
- Parent Error Code -
- Parent Error Message - "Internal server error occurred."
Child Errors
Error | Message | How to Resolve |
Internal | “It’s broken but it’s not your fault. Please try again or feel free to contact if the problem persists.” | Returned by all endpoints. Returned in the event of a server error. Retry or contact the email address provided. |
Track Error Structure
Track errors are split into parent and child error codes. The parent error indicates the HTTP error code that was returned, while the child error is a Track-specific error intended to give more detail on the source of the problem.
The error object contains the following information:
- ID - A unique identifier for the error.
- Code - The "parent" error code (e.g. 400 - Validation Error).
- Message - A summary of the error.
- CorrelationId - A unique identifier to correlate this error with any other related errors.
- Details.Property - The path to the affected property, where applicable.
- Details.Code - The "child" error (e.g. Incorrect Number of Elements).
- Details.Message - A message providing further details on the error.
- Links - A link to the information presented on the previous section of this page.
Example Validation Error
"id": "er_2287452498019024896",
"code": "validation_error",
"message": "One or more validation error(s) occurred.",
"correlation_id": "0HLJHA9CG61RM:00000001",
"details": [
"property": "tracking_references",
"code": "property_invalid_empty",
"message": "'tracking_references' must not be empty."
"property": "tracking_references",
"code": "incorrect_number_of_elements",
"'tracking_references' must contain 1 items. The list contains 0 element(s)."
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "Error codes"
Next steps
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