Track shipment states
This table displays available Track shipment states and indicates which carriers have tracking events mapped to each state.
The Carriers with Mapped Events column displays the carriers that have a tracking event mapped for each shipment state. If a carrier does not have an event mapped for a particular state then shipments with that carrier can never assume that state, because the carrier does not have any events that correspond to it.
You should bear this information in mind when setting up shipment filters, in order to avoid setting up a filter for an state that your carriers do not use. For more information on configuring shipment filters, see Managing Your Shipment Filters.
Final shipment states
A final state, usually known as a terminating state, is when no further shipment processing is required. When a shipment goes into a final state it will not change, however Track will still process additional events from the carrier.
A final state will not change once it's in this state.
Some final states, such as 'delivery refused' state, can transition to 'return to sender' so a notification can be triggered.
No notifications or webhooks will be triggered for any further status updates once a final state has been reached.
All final states are highlighted in the table below.
All shipment states
View our list of all Tracking shipment states and the carriers that support each state.
Last updated: 12/02/2025